Find a Center
The Christian Study Center movement is growing significantly on an annual basis. Currently, there are more than thirty study centers across the US and Canada.
Member Centers
Arizona Center for Christian Studies
Arizona State UniversityAlcuin Study Center
Ball State UniversityBiblical Studies Center
Boise State UniversityThe Joseph & Alice McKeen Study Center
Bowdoin CollegeCambridge House Christian Study Center
College of William and MaryChesterton House
Cornell UniversityThe Wheelock Society
Dartmouth UniversityCenter for Christianity & Scholarship
Duke UniversityEast Carolina Study Center
East Carolina UniversityC.S. Lewis Study Center
Five Colleges - Amherst AreaMere Christianity Forum
Furman UniversityThe Augustine Fellowship
Georgetown UniversityCogito
Hampden-Sydney College & Longwood UniversityOctet Collaborative
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyNC State Study Center
North Carolina State UniversityNicaea Study Center
University of Colorado at Colorado SpringsChristian Study Center of Gainesville
University of FloridaPascal Study Center
University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignGeneva
University of IowaLewis House
University of KentuckyMichigan Christian Study Center
University of MichiganAnselm House
University of MinnesotaOxford Lodge
University of MississippiNorth Carolina Study Center
University of North Carolina at Chapel HillBeatrice Institute
University of PittsburghSouth Carolina Study Center
University of South CarolinaHill House
University of TexasTheological Horizons
University of VirginiaCenter for Christian Study
University of VirginiaUpper House
University of Wisconsin - MadisonSaviourgate Christian Study Centre
University of YorkScholé House
Virginia Commonwealth UniversityBradley Study Center
Virginia TechWake Forest Christian Study Center
Wake Forest UniversityRivendell Institute
Yale University
Our Member Centers
Since our inception in 2008, the Consortium has grown from four to more than 30 member centers.
Study centers offer events of all sorts, and many of them are open to the public. More and more of them are also available by streaming. Although we can’t possibly list every event at every center, you will find a healthy sampling of upcoming events offered by member centers on the campuses they serve.

Start a Study Center

Are you interested in starting the next Christian Study Center? Are you ready to take the next step? To schedule a call, please fill out this intake form and we will get back to you very shortly. We look forward to hearing from you.
Membership & Dues

Are you interested in becoming a member study center? Please review the application and supporting documents and let us know if you have any questions. Applications are reviewed by the Membership Committee of the Board of Directors. After review, we will let you know if the application has been approved, denied, or tabled, as well as the reasons for the decision. Upon approval, payment of dues is necessary to activate membership.