Multiplying Locations
The Consortium is excited to continue working with alumni and all those who share the vision to see new centers get started on more campuses each year.
Consulting & Networking Services
Whether you are an alumnus hoping to see a center at your alma mater or a social entrepreneur looking to start a center, the Consortium is prepared to come alongside your efforts with the experience and wisdom we have gained over the years. Short consultations are available at no cost, and longer consulting engagements are also possible. Those involved in start-up efforts are also invited to attend the Annual Meeting.


Starting a new study center is no small task, but the Consortium is working on making it simpler than it has been. Toward that end, we are developing a Tool Kit designed to lay out the several steps necessary to launch a center, including everything from recruiting board members and university relations to technology platforms and, of course, student engagement.
Board of Directors Training
Healthy boards and board processes are critical to the effectiveness of a study center, and the Consortium is pleased to advance the work of centers through board training and development. The Consortium offers workshops on topics such as Strategic Planning and Succession Planning, and more customized consulting is also available.

Interested in Starting the
next Christian Study Center?
Are you ready to take the next step? To schedule a call, please fill out this intake form and we will get back to you very shortly. We look forward to hearing from you.