Serving Centers
Service to existing study centers is the Consortium’s primary reason for existence, and most of what we do continues to fall into this area.
Annual Meeting

Since our inception in 2009, the Consortium’s signature service to member centers has been the Annual Meeting. Equal parts philosophy and nuts & bolts, the meeting is designed to advance the work of existing and nascent centers alike. Meeting participants also enjoy multiple keynote presentations as well as networking and many informal conversations that take place between sessions.
Internship Program
The Consortium is pleased to provide a national internship program in partnership with member centers. The Consortium hires and trains a cohort of young professionals annually who are then deployed to serve on-site at centers around the country. Interns grow as they explore faith and vocation. The work of centers is advanced through the interns’ service, as well as by the simplicity of centralized payroll and Human Resources.

Partner Organizations
The Consortium is a national nexus of Christian learning, and we are pleased to partner with dozens of organizations interested in coming alongside us in this work. Partner organizations are very diverse, but all share one thing in common: they are interested in working with centers to advance the mission of Christian learning on secular university campuses.

Prayer Initiative

The Consortium encourages regular prayer by and for member centers through a monthly email that consists of prayer requests gathered from study centers. The importance of prayer cannot be overemphasized in our work, and we hope this practice will add not only information but also the rejoicing, petitioning and imitating in our movement between our members.