What We Do
The Consortium has many programs, but everything we do is aimed precisely in the direction of one of the following three strategic priorities.
Serving Centers

First and foremost, the Consortium exists to serve its member centers. We are always asking, What can we accomplish together that we cannot accomplish alone? That is how the Annual Meeting, our signature service to centers, got started. As we continue to build out the programming of the Consortium, that critical question keeps us on mission.
Multiplying Locations
Although the Consortium does not own and operate study centers—this is a grassroots movement—there are few things we enjoy more than helping centers get started. Having grown from just a few centers to a network of dozens, we have gleaned much wisdom over “how to do it.” We stand by to advise, consult, encourage and provide networking opportunities.

Promoting the Movement

The Consortium serves member centers by making the mission and work of centers better known to a broad, public audience. Our communications have an international reach that includes alumni, parents, media and foundation personnel and of course prospective high school students.