Book Night: The Shape of Christian History by Scott Sunquist

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How should Christians think about history—particularly the history of God’s work in the world through the church? And how might the massive growth of Christianity globally (and especially in the global South) in recent years reshape our thinking about the history of the church? In The Shape of Christian History: Continuity and Diversity in the Global […]

Sowing Good Seeds: Christian Perspectives on Agriculture in Higher Education Symposium

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The cultivation of the earth is one of humanity’s most fundamental tasks. Christians understand that the practice of agriculture allows humans to work with God to create, to promote the flourishing of creation, and to provide for our material needs. However, Christians also see the work of agriculture corrupted by sin. This corruption manifests itself […]

Grad/Faculty Lectio Divina: Praying with Scripture During Lent

Join Anselm House for a time of guided Lenten Lectio Divina. Rev. Stephen Pitts, S.J of the Department of Applied Economics will lead us through prayer and meditation using selected biblical passages. Anselm House will host this event three times: on March 25 and April 1 and 8 from 4-5 pm. All UMN faculty and […]

Thinking with Jonathan Edwards About Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and machine-learning are increasingly prevalent in almost all sectors of business and technology. As a tool, A.I. promises vast acceleration of the organizing and analyzing of “big data.” But some harbor greater hopes for A.I. – wondering whether perhaps such technological advances might one day blur the limits between technology and human […]

Grad/Faculty Lectio Divina: Praying with Scripture During Lent

Join Anselm House for a time of guided Lenten Lectio Divina. Rev. Stephen Pitts, S.J of the Department of Applied Economics will lead us through prayer and meditation using selected biblical passages. Anselm House will host this event three times: on March 25 and April 1 and 8 from 4-5 pm. All UMN faculty and […]

Grad/Faculty Lectio Divina: Praying with Scripture During Lent

Join Anselm House for a time of guided Lenten Lectio Divina. Rev. Stephen Pitts, S.J of the Department of Applied Economics will lead us through prayer and meditation using selected biblical passages. Anselm House will host this event three times: on March 25 and April 1 and 8 from 4-5 pm. All UMN faculty and […]