Compassion First: A Sensible Approach to America’s Homeless Crisis

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This Friday Forum will explore a new approach to the homeless crisis that acknowledges the inherent dignity of those suffering with homlessness and that focuses on restoration, recovery, and self-sufficiency. Speakers include Steven J. Buri, Robert Marbut and Wesley J. Smith, all of the Discovery Institute.

Our Civilizational Moment

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Os Guinness joins Faith and Law to discuss the crisis of the West, the war of the worlds, and the faith required for our time.

Child Care: Should the Government Pay For It?

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The Build Back Better Act proposed massive federal subsidies for child care and a new free UPK program—with requirements that excluded many faith-based providers and schools. The requirements can be made welcoming to churches and other faith-based organizations. But shouldn’t they be serving families on their own, especially the neediest? When and how—if ever—should faith-based […]

The Imago Dei & Culture

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The central question of this cultural moment, the one behind the most difficult issues we face as a society, is what does it mean to be human. Who are we? What is our value? What is our responsibility to one another? The vision of humanity at the heart of the Christian story is true and […]