Of Two Minds: A Neuroscientist Balances Science & Faith

  • In Person
  • Study Center Events

Does our ever-increasing knowledge about the detailed structure and function of the brain render beliefs, values, and faith irrelevant? Or does a full account of our behavior still require levels of explanation beyond what neuroscience can deliver? Join Anselm House for its 8th annual V. Elving Anderson Lecture in Science and Religion as William Newsome, Professor of […]

From the Heart – Celebrating 40 Years

  • In Person
  • Study Center Events
  • Virtual

For 40 years God has been sustaining Anselm House as a Christian community committed to this end. So, Anselm House is excited for a night that brings people together around God’s continuing work at the University of Minnesota. As Anselm House looks back on 40 years and shares the vision for the next 40, join […]