Partner Organizations

The Consortium’s partners share a common vision of advancing the mission of Christian learning on secular university campuses.

Membership & Dues


Are you interested in becoming a partner organization? Please review the application and supporting documents and let us know if you have any questions. Applications are reviewed by the Membership Committee of the Board of Directors. After review, we will let you know if the application has been approved, denied, or tabled, as well as the reasons for the decision. Upon approval, payment of dues is necessary to activate membership.

American Scientific Affiliation

President: Janel Curry
Contact:  978-887-8833
Address: 218 Boston Street, Suite 208, Topsfield, MA 01983
American Scientific Affiliation’s unique mission is to integrate, communicate, and facilitate properly researched science and theology in service to the Church and the scientific community. ASA members are confident that such a goal is not only possible but necessary for an adequate understanding of God and Nature. We believe that honest and open studies of both Scripture and Nature are mutually beneficial in developing a full understanding of human identity, relationships, and our environment. Additionally, the ASA is committed to advising churches and our society in how best to employ science and technology while preserving the integrity of God’s creation.

Arts & Entertainment Ministries

President: Joel Pelsue
Contact:  310-474-7671
Address: 2361 Glendon Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90064
Arts & Entertainment Ministries is an organization dedicated to providing top quality biblical education to artists, creative professionals, clergy, and academics in the areas of art, faith, media, and culture. To that end, AEM provides lectures, presentations, mentoring, podcasts, articles, and an annual artist showcase. It also holds a monthly Artist Forum that includes a dinner, lecture, and salon discussion with a local artist. AEM hopes to provide guidance on achieving a balance between two unhealthy tendencies: retreating into isolated Christian subculture or integrating so much into the mainstream that there is no Christian distinctiveness.

Brazos Fellows

Director: Paul Gutacker
Address: 210 Dallas Street, Waco, TX 76704
Brazos Fellows is a residential fellowship in Waco, TX for college graduates who desire to be formed through theological training, spiritual disciplines, vocational discernment, and life together. Sponsored by Christ Church Waco, and in partnership with approximately 20 Baylor University faculty and graduate students, Brazos Fellows seeks to root serious academic inquiry in the life and mission of the local church. Over the course of nine months, fellows study theology, take on disciplines of prayer, spiritual direction, and service, and explore their vocation, all under the guidance of a team of tutors, instructors, spiritual directors, and life coaches. Brazos Fellows aspires to be a community of practice that not only helps graduates discern their next step, but also helps them develop habits they will take with them for life.

Cambridge Roundtable on Science & Religion

President of The Leadership Connection: Dave Thom
Contact:  413-259-1083
Address: 3 Mt. Lebanon Street, Pepperell, MA 01463
The Cambridge Roundtable began in 2002 in Amherst, MA among the Five Colleges. The Cambridge Roundtable works with faculty at universities and colleges to facilitate discussion of larger questions of purpose, meaning and significance among both Christian and non-Christian participants. This is achieved primarily through invitation-only roundtable dinners with a speaker and lengthy discussion among professors representing a wide variety of disciplines.

Carmen House Christian Study Center

Executive Director: Aaron Badenhop


Address: 1581 N High Street, Columbus, OH 43201

Carmen House Christian Study Center seeks to provide a hospitable place for the OSU community to explore deep questions about the Christian faith in relation to learning, vocation, and human flourishing. We seek to be a greenhouse for Christian spiritual formation, demonstrating the vitality and wisdom of the Christian faith for the life of the university.

The Carver Project

Managing Director: Shelley Milligan


Address: 6199 Waterman Blvd., Saint Louis, MO 63112

The Carver Project is an organization of Christian faculty at Washington University in St. Louis. We empower Christian faculty and students to serve and connect university, church, and society.
We work toward uncommon community, focused engagement, and creative dialogue.

Center for Christianity and Public Life

Chief of Staff & Senior Advisor: Phebe Meyer
Address: 5730 Cottonworth Avenue, #10417, Baltimore MD 21209-9998
The Center for Christianity and Public Life is a nonpartisan nonprofit civic organization with the mission to contend for the credibility of Christian resources in public life, for the good of the public. Our vision is for a healthier politics and public life which benefit from an integrated, coherent Christian public presence.

Center for Public Justice

Executive Director: Stephanie Summers
Address: 1305 Leslie Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22301
Serve God. We aspire to a United States and a world in which citizens, particularly Christians, take their civic responsibilities seriously as a service to God, until the kingdom of God comes in its fullness. Advance Justice. We aspire to a United States and a world where governments carry out their high calling to do justice to all citizens, institutions, and communities. Transform Public Life. We aspire to a United States and a world where citizens and leaders work together to shape public life for the good of all, both nationally and internationally.

Christian History Institute

Executive Director: Bill Curtis
Contact:  800-468-0458
Address: 2030 Wentz Church Road, Lansdale, PA 19446
Christian History is a non-profit organization that provides Christian history resources and self-study material at low or no cost. It seeks to bring the story of the church to the people of the church through unique images and vivid storytelling in printed materials, professional video productions, and internet resources, all grounded in the best contemporary scholarship.

Ciceronian Society Foundation

Executive Director: Joshua Bowman
Address: 430 E. 8th Street, #177, Holland, MI 49423
The Ciceronian Society exists to equip and encourage Christian scholars to serve the church as a center of cultural and civic renewal. Through our events, publications, and podcasts we provide the space and opportunities that Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox scholars need for professional growth and intellectual discipleship. Since 2012, we have been building a network of friends with a love for our core themes – tradition, place, and ‘things divine’ – and with a genuine commitment to the church and the life of the mind.

Comenius Institute

Executive Director: Mark Eckel
Contact: 630-303-4891
The Comenius Institute believes ideas change people and people change a culture. It provides a meeting between Christian wisdom and university life. Our purpose is to display universal, transcendent true Truth in the academy. Our method is classroom teaching combined with faculty engagement. Answering academic-intellectual questions and caring for individual concerns, the Comenius Institute offers a clear, Christian voice.

The Davenant Institute

President: Wyatt Graham
Contact:  901-674-8090
Address: 419 Glenolden Dr., Landrum, SC 29356
The Davenant Institute seeks to retrieve the riches of classical Protestantism in order to renew and build up the contemporary church.

It achieves this by building networks of friendship and collaboration among evangelical scholars committed to Protestant resourcement, publishing resources old and new to address the needs of the contemporary church, and offering training and discipleship for Christians thirsting after wisdom.

Evangelical Theological Society

Executive Director: Ken Magnuson
Contact:  888-883-3062‬
Address: 13800 Biola Ave, La Mirada, CA 90639
Founded in 1949, the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) is a group of scholars, teachers, pastors, students, and others dedicated to the oral exchange and written expression of theological thought and research. The ETS is devoted to the inerrancy and inspiration of the Scriptures and the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Society publishes a quarterly journal, the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (JETS), an academic periodical featuring peer reviewed articles, as well as extended book reviews, in the biblical and theological disciplines. The ETS also holds national and regional meetings across the United States.

Faith and Law

Executive Director: Susan Gates
Contact: 202-643-7685
Address: P.O. Box 7585, Arlington, VA 22207
Faith and Law is an indigenous Christian ministry established by and for congressional staff in 1983. It seeks to examine the vocational implications of a Christian worldview so that policy-makers can better understand the significance of their faith in their calling to the public square. It does this through bi-monthly Friday Forum lecture series, worldview reading groups, a mentoring program, small group seminars, film discussions, and an annual retreat.

Over the past 38 years, Faith and Law has brought before congressional staff a wide variety of distinguished speakers to address contemporary political and cultural issues.

The Fellows Initiative

Executive Director: John Kyle
Address: 8227 Old Courthouse Road, Suite 320, Vienna, Virginia 22182
The Fellows Initiative is a network of Christian discipleship and leadership development programs for recent college graduates. TFI seeks to inspire and equip the emerging generation of leaders for the marketplace, church, and society. TFI Fellows programs share a commitment to Jesus Christ, his Word, and his church. It encourages fellows to live lives of servant leadership marked by the seamless integration of faith, work, service and community. TFI is committed to promoting biblical flourishing in the world. TFI provides training, best practices, coaching, and support to churches that want to launch and lead fellows programs in their local contexts. Through its work, TFI has grown to be a coast-to-coast network of programs that not only equips young leaders, but transforms churches.

The FOCUS Group

CEO: Brad Layland
Contact:  800-324-9117
Address: 521 A1A Beach Boulevard, St,. Augustine, FL 32080
The FOCUS Group provides strategic planning, feasibility studies, capital campaign and targeted advancement counsel to nearly 100 clients around the United States. Its mission is to build the kingdom of God by empowering nonprofits to fund their vision through cultivating relationships with major donors.

Its strategies and counsel are grounded in time-tested principles of relational fundraising with the objective of treating donors as lifelong partners, as opposed to transactional tactics that may generate funds today but are not sustainable long-term.

Global Faculty Initiative

Co-Convenor: Terence Halliday

The Faculty Initiative seeks to promote the integration of Christian faith and academic disciplines by bringing theologians into conversation with scholars across the spectrum of faculties in research universities worldwide.

Gordon College

Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs: Sandra Doneski
Contact:  ‭978-867-4549‬
Address: 255 Grapevine Road, Wenham, MA 01984
Gordon College is located just north of Boston and is one of the nation’s premier Christian colleges. It offers students extraordinary access to leading-edge opportunities for intellectual, professional, and leadership development to address the increasingly complex challenges of a global society. Its primary responsibility is to prepare students for the long haul, to make them spiritually, intellectually, relationally and professionally ready for a lifetime of growth—from the first job out of college and beyond, into fields not yet existing. Its mission is the foundation of all they do as they inspire the next generation toward faithful leadership for the common good.

InterVarsity Graduate & Faculty Ministries

Director: Lynn Gill
Address: P.O. Box 7895, Madison, WI 53707
Graduate & Faculty Ministries (GFM) is InterVarsity’s network of fellowships and ministry among graduate and professional-school students and university and college faculty all around the United States. The heart of the ministry is in campus fellowships — witnessing communities of students and faculty who make Christ known within the academic and professional worlds. Campus fellowships provide opportunities for students and faculty to gather in large and small groups for Bible study, prayer, discussion, and learning. Individual spiritual formation occurs as members share ideas, nurture their passions, and submit their thoughts and lives to God’s word. Experienced InterVarsity staff connect the local ministry to national resources and offer pastoral care and spiritual direction amidst the rigors of academic and professional development.

Ithaka Fellowship

Founding President: Duane Otto
Contact:  309-846-0948
Address: 5821 E. 1000 North Road, Gridley, IL 61744
As a not-for-profit ministry, the Ithaka Fellowship’s mission is to cultivate an abiding relationship in Christ for the sake of creation, culture, and acts of conscience. Its activities are centered around a farm in rural Illinois. Through various teaching forums (lectures and seminars), life-on-life discipleship (counseling and retreats), and a biblical understanding of God in creation, culture, and conscience (articles, podcasts, newsletters), Ithaka Fellowship seeks to inform, educate, and help adults and children alike experience the redemptive interrelationship that exists between Christ, man, and his created world.

Langham Partnership USA

Senior Director of Marketing: Bart Moseman
Contact: 480-595-5117
Address: P.O. Box 189 Cave Creek, AZ 85327
Langham Partnership USA’s vision is to see churches in the Majority World equipped for mission and growing to maturity in Christ through the ministry of pastors and leaders who believe, teach and live by the Word of God. Its mission is to strengthen the ministry of the Word of God through nurturing national movements for training in biblical preaching (Langham Preaching); multiplying the creation and distribution of evangelical literature (Langham Literature); and, strengthening the theological training of pastors and leaders by qualified evangelical teachers (Langham Scholars).

New College Berkeley

Executive Director: Craig Wong
Address: P.O. Box 4328, Berkeley, CA 94704
Discerning Gospel faithfulness together in the San Francisco Bay Area

We help the Church discern and contextualize the way of Christ, cultivating theological imagination and spiritual friendship for our time, across culture, tradition and generation. New College Berkeley (NCB) creates educational and spiritual “third spaces” for vital conversation and relationship-building through workshops, classes, retreats, listening circles, art, and writing.

Plough Publishing House

Marketing Director: Tim O’Connell
Contact:  800-521-8011
Address:151 Bowne Drive PO Box 398 Walden, NY 12586
Plough is an international magazine of stories, ideas, and culture that appears weekly online and quarterly in print. Founded in 1920, Plough asks the big questions: How can we live well together, and what gives life meaning and purpose in a complex world?

Regent College

President: Jeffrey Greenman
Contact:  1-800-663-8664
Address: 5800 University Blvd, Vancouver BC, Canada V6T 2E4
Regent College was founded in 1968 as the first graduate school of theology in North America to make education of the laity its central focus. Its Christ-centered graduate programs and courses bring together vibrant evangelical faith and rigorous academics.

Scala Foundation

Executive Director: Margarita Mooney Clayton
Contact: 609-436-0415‬
Address: P.O. Box 296, Princeton, NJ 08542
Scala aims to strengthen classical liberal arts education and promote authentic human wellbeing by modeling how a challenging learning environment can take place in an atmosphere of hospitality and friendship, exploring the philosophical assumptions behind visions of learning, and promoting virtues such as thoroughness, intellectual courage, and creative thinking. Practically, it does this by hosting dinner seminars, intellectual retreats, and conferences that exemplify Scala’s vision of education and formation.

Society of Christian Scholars

Program Development Vice President: Keith Campbell
The Society of Christian Scholars equips Christian academics to have a missional and redemptive influence for Christ among their students, colleagues, institutions, and academic disciplines.

Theological Education Initiative

Executive Director: Rod Casey
Address: 601 Business Loop 70W, Suite 131, Columbia, MO 65203
Theological Education Initiative (TEI) is committed to providing theological resources to the campus and church leaders of Central Missouri. TEI provides a theological library, workshops, conferences, and accredited and uncredited theological education through a partnership with A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary.

Trinity Anglican Seminary

Director of Church Partnerships & Leadership Development: Rev. Alex Banfield Hicks
Address: 311 11th St. Ambridge, PA 15003
Trinity Anglican Seminary is to be a global center for Christian formation in the evangelical Anglican tradition, producing outstanding leaders who can plant, renew, and grow churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ. To this end they are forming Christian leaders for mission.

Trinity Forum

President: Cherie Harder
Contact:  202-944-9881
Address: 1000 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20005
Since its founding in 1991, Trinity Forum has facilitated seminars, discussions, retreats, and lectures for thousands of leaders in North America, Europe, and Asia. These events feature opportunities for participation in profound reflection and candid conversation about life’s most important issues. The Trinity Forum works to cultivate networks of leaders whose integrity and vision will renew culture and promote human freedom and flourishing. It provides access to a broad but focused body of classic and thoughtful writings designed to facilitate conversation and reflection around some of society’s most intriguing questions and themes.

Veritas Forum

Executive Director: Andrew Schuman
Contact: 617-491-2055
Address: P.O. Box 380807, Cambridge, MA 02238
The first Veritas Forum was planned by students, faculty, and chaplains at Harvard University in 1992. Since then, over 200 universities in North America and Europe have hosted over 2,000 Forums. Veritas Forum is committed to courageous conversations. It places the historic Christian faith in dialogue with other beliefs and invites participants from all backgrounds to pursue Truth together. It helps students and faculty ask life’s hardest questions. Many of the world’s leading universities were founded to answer the big “why” questions. Veritas’s mission is to help them confront these questions anew.

The Via Institute

Executive Director: Mark Shaw

Contact: 757-367-9238

Address: 4209 Big Bethel Road, Yorktown, VA 23693


Via Institute exists to engage the culture with the gospel.  Our three principal activities are an evening institute holding seminary-level courses, organizing an annual Veritas forum at Christopher Newport University, and publishing an occasional “Comic” Blog called “Inside Culture Care with Pascall and Hume.

Wilberforce International Institute

President: Kevin Cooney
Contact:  480-242-6617
Address: P.O. Box 130551, St. Paul, MN 55113
The Wilberforce International Institute was officially founded in February 2009 and launched in April 2009 by Dr. Robert Osburn. The Institute attempts to answer the question: “How can the best and brightest amongst us, especially those from foreign countries who study in North America, be empowered to bring the redemptive, healing influence of the gospel of Jesus Christ to bear on the deepest problems facing their home societies?” The mission of the Wilberforce is to train college-age students to be redemptive change agents in their home societies. As these students graciously bring the truth of a Christian worldview to bear on the deepest needs of their societies, they will foster human flourishing in their societies, as well as serve God as He builds His kingdom in their midst.

Windrider Institute

CEO: John Priddy
Address: P.O. Box 1640, Eagle, ID 83616
The Windrider Institute uses film to engage thoughtful conversations surrounding the most significant topics of our day. Windrider is a film and leadership forum, content producer and curator, and resource provider. Its engaged audience currently includes Christian colleges, theological seminaries, ministry organizations and faith-driven community leaders. Windrider’s nine-month program delivery includes active participation in the Sundance Film Festival, with whom it has a formal partnership. The name Windrider is inspired from the Hebrew word Ruach, first found in Genesis 1:2. It endeavors to ride the Ruach, the wind or Spirit of God, as it utilizes the power of the story to facilitate meaningful conversations.

Wycliffe Hall

Academic Dean: Justyn Terry
Contact: 0186-5274-200
Address: 54 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 6PW
Wycliffe Hall is a Permanent Private Hall of the University of Oxford, meaning that it is a part of the University and has the freedom to teach from an evangelical perspective whilst maintaining the academic excellence expected at the University of Oxford. It offers programs ranging from the Certificate level right through to the Doctorate.