Book Night: The Shape of Christian History by Scott Sunquist

Book Night: The Shape of Christian History by Scott Sunquist

How should Christians think about history—particularly the history of God’s work in the world through the church? And how might the massive growth of Christianity globally (and especially in the global South) in recent years reshape our thinking about the history of...

Child Care: Should the Government Pay For It?

Child Care: Should the Government Pay For It?

The Build Back Better Act proposed massive federal subsidies for child care and a new free UPK program—with requirements that excluded many faith-based providers and schools. The requirements can be made welcoming to churches and other faith-based organizations. But...

A Taste of Alcuin

A Taste of Alcuin

This summer Alcuin Study Center is aiming to increase awareness of its vision and mission, as well as opportunities for investment. To accomplish this, Alcuin will be hosting A Taste of Alcuin multiple times between late June and early August - at Alcuin Study Center.

Agents of Transformation Conference

Agents of Transformation Conference

The Agents of Transformation conference is an interdisciplinary gathering headlined by scholars and leaders who think deeply about work and its impacts. We will address critical ideas, hear from local leaders about their vocations and vision, consider Scripture, and...

Saints of the City Charlottesville

Saints of the City Charlottesville

Join Theological Horizons for the Saints of the City Charlottesville event to reflect on the work of Howard Thurman. Saints of the City provides a warm environment for people of different faiths and backgrounds to consider one aspect of spiritual truth or practical...

Faith & Film Night

Faith & Film Night

New College Berkeley hosts a Faith and Film Night on "The Best of Times." Obsessed by a one-time crucial failure in his youth, a star athlete works to relive the moment. The process becomes transformative and redemptive for himself and others. Starring Robin Williams....

The Medieval Mind of C.S. Lewis

The Medieval Mind of C.S. Lewis

Jason Baxter argues that C.S. Lewis was deeply formed not only by the words of Scripture and his love of ancient mythology, but also by medieval literature. For this undeniably modern Christian, authors like Dante and Boethius provided a worldview that was relevant to...