Natural Law & the Nature of Law

Natural Law & the Nature of Law

What is natural law and why is it important? Christopher Tollefsen, University of South Carolina Professor of Philosophy, will examine the foundations of natural law ethics and ask what relevance it has to law and political society.

How to Know a Person: An Online Conversation with David Brooks

How to Know a Person: An Online Conversation with David Brooks

In a society where so many feel unseen and unknown, how do we become the kind of people who deeply see and know those around us? The conflict and division in our society demonstrate the need for people committed to pursuing human connection, even across lines of...

Math & Love

Math & Love

What does mathematics have to do with love? Pascal Study Center hosts James Drimalla of the University of Virginia to uncover the connection between mathematics and flourishing human relationships.

Building Tents on the Drillfield

Building Tents on the Drillfield

Mike Weaver, Executive Director of the Bradley Study Center, will deliver a lecture on the results of his doctoral research and offer some suggestions for what “faithful presence” might mean for Christians at a public university like Virginia Tech.

Podcasts & Picklebacks: What is Modernity?

Podcasts & Picklebacks: What is Modernity?

The Beatrice Institute welcomes graduate students and the general public to a listening party. Guests will listen to a new episode of the Genealogies of Modernity podcast and then discuss.

Experimental Philosophy & the Problem of Evil

Experimental Philosophy & the Problem of Evil

What can empirical research tell us about the problem of evil? Ian M. Church of Hillsdale College will explain what experimental philosophy is and highlight a few ways it might be applied to this central topic within philosophy of religion. The focus will be on...

Why is the Old Testament So Difficult to Understand?

Why is the Old Testament So Difficult to Understand?

Many of the Old Testament's texts strike us as downright offensive today—how do we understand such a difficult text? And for those communities who hold it as sacred, how do we read it as the word of God? Upper House welcomes Aubrey Buster of Wheaton College for this...

Beauty: The Hospitable Welcome of the Real

Beauty: The Hospitable Welcome of the Real

Esther Lightcap Meek (BA Cedarville College, MA Western Kentucky University, PhD Temple University) is Professor of Philosophy emeritus at Geneva College, in Western Pennsylvania. She is a Fellow Scholar with the Fujimura Institute, an Associate Fellow with the Kirby...

Building Tents on the Drillfield

Bradley Study Center Open House

The Bradley Study Center's monthly Open House is open to anyone who wants to learn more about the Bradley Study Center’s mission and vision. Join for a short program including stories from faculty and students—we’ll be together for just one hour.