Rituals of Hope in Seasons of Loss

Rituals of Hope in Seasons of Loss

Theological Horizons welcomes you to the Fall 2022 Dialogue: "Rituals of Hope in Seasons of Loss," featuring Vanessa Ochs, professor of Jewish Studies in the UVA Religious Studies department. Attendees are invited to experience a reflective, structured dialogue that...

Rituals of Hope in Seasons of Loss

Faith & Work Forum

The Faith & Work Forum is a conversation series that discusses the interplay between faith, work, and life. Each semester Theological Horizons features guest speakers with leadership experience from across a wide range of vocations, who bring authentic stories...

A Faithful Christian Presence in the Post-Secular University

A Faithful Christian Presence in the Post-Secular University

Higher education has shifted from a broadly Christian outlook to a secular one, and more recently to a post-secular one. What unique opportunities and challenges for Christian faithfulness does this present? On October 11, join Pascal Study Center's Director Emily G....

Rituals of Hope in Seasons of Loss

Vintage Lunch with Theological Horizons

Join Theological Horizons for Friday lunch and a conversation around classic readings from the Christian tradition. This week's reading is written by Thomas Merton on the topic of belonging. Enjoy lunch in person or watch the discussion via Facebook Live. More details:

A Conversation with Stanley Hauerwas

A Conversation with Stanley Hauerwas

Join Chesterton House and Stanley Hauerwas for a conversation. Professor Hauerwas will be Zooming in to a live gathered audience at The Knoll (Chesterton House). At the conclusion of the event, in person attendees will partake in post conversation lead by Executive...

Intercultural Spirituality Roundtable

Intercultural Spirituality Roundtable

Instructors: Craig Wong, Susan Phillips, Tammy Long, Eric Wilson, Naisa Wong, Carmen Wu-Cardona Blessed by the Spirituality of the Other: Are there unique ways that folks of different ethnicities, cultures, social locations, and historical contexts experience God?...

Intercultural Spirituality Roundtable

After Evangelicalism Virtual Book Study

Join New College Berkeley for a virtual Book Study of After Evangelicalism by Dr. David Gushee. For many sincere Christians, American evangelicalism has become a confusing identity and a source of disillusionment. David Gushee, who identified as an evangelical, and,...