Reimagining Youth Justice: A Faith-Based Toolkit

Reimagining Youth Justice: A Faith-Based Toolkit

Learn about this toolkit, created by Community Connections for Youth (CCFY) and the Center for Public Justice, which aims to equip people of faith to advocate on behalf of youth in the justice system.

The Shaping of the Evangelical Imagination

The Shaping of the Evangelical Imagination

The Trinity Forum hosts Karen Swallow Prior, author of The Evangelical Imagination: How Stories, Images & Metaphors Created a Culture in Crisis, to consider how our imaginations have been shaped by the culture we inhabit.

The Shaping of the Evangelical Imagination

An Altar Call: Renewal & the American Church

Amid the growing polarization, covered-up abuses, schisms, and scandals roiling evangelicalism, studies show that many American Christians – and even many pastors – are increasingly disillusioned with and exhausted by what they experience at church. Wisdom is required...

ESN Conversation: Nourish Narratives with Jennifer Holberg

Being God’s Image

What does it mean to be human? This timeless question proves critical as we seek to understand our purpose, identity, and significance. The Bible reveals important truths related to our human identity and vocation that are critical to the flourishing of all of...

The Shaping of the Evangelical Imagination

Walking with God: An Online Conversation with Mark Buchanan

In God Walk, author Mark Buchanan explores the way that the act of walking has profound implications for followers of the Way, and reflects on the ways in which walking can be both a spiritual practice and means of deepening our connections. Join the Trinity Forum to...

Compassion First: A Sensible Approach to America’s Homeless Crisis

Compassion First: A Sensible Approach to America’s Homeless Crisis

This Friday Forum will explore a new approach to the homeless crisis that acknowledges the inherent dignity of those suffering with homlessness and that focuses on restoration, recovery, and self-sufficiency. Speakers include Steven J. Buri, Robert Marbut and Wesley...

2023 Political Theology Workshop

2023 Political Theology Workshop

Baylor in Washington will host a seminar in Washington, D.C. August 10-12 to examine key issues at the intersection of faith, ethics, and public policy. These discussion-based seminars are designed for young professionals and rising academics seeking to integrate...

The Shaping of the Evangelical Imagination

The Burden of Living & the Goodness of God

The Trinity Forum welcomes Alan Noble, Associate Professor of English at Oklahoma Baptist University, for an Online Conversation to discuss that the simple decision to engage with the world each day constitutes a declaration of the goodness of God.