Behold, I Make All Things New

Behold, I Make All Things New

This event will promote the renewal of culture and tradition! Join Scala Foundation for a thought-provoking discussion with Sir James MacMillan, Margarita Mooney Clayton, and Peter Carter on how noble and accessible sacred music can once again shape all popular culture.

ASA Faith & Science Conference & Pre-Events

ASA Faith & Science Conference & Pre-Events

Hear Francis Collins, Beth Allison Barr, Praveen Sethupathy, Charmaine Royal, and Brandon Vaidyanathan. American Scientific Affiliation, a scholarly & professional society for Christians in science, welcomes you. Explore extra opportunities: Generating Wisdom: AI...

Practicing Civic Discipleship

Practicing Civic Discipleship

The Trinity Forum invites you to join an Online Conversation with Walter Kim, President of the National Association of Evangelicals, and Adam Taylor, President of Sojourners, to explore how we can connect discipleship with our participation in public life.

Unlocking Second Chances

Unlocking Second Chances

How can churches, businesses, law enforcement, and policymakers better unlock second chances for Americans who have paid their debt to society? Join Faith & Law and the Prison Fellowship for a conversation about the importance of strategies that protect public...

27th Annual Kuyper Lecture

27th Annual Kuyper Lecture

The Center for Public Justice (CPJ) will hold its 27th Annual Kuyper lecture, delivered by Hans-Martien ten Napel, Ph.D., associate professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Leiden University on the topic “In Search of the Radical Middle: Navigating...

Practicing Civic Discipleship

A New Year with the Word

For the Trinity Forum's 100th Online Conversation, the Trinity Forum is delighted to welcome back poet, Anglican priest, and scholar, Malcolm Guite. Malcolm is the author of Waiting on the Word: A Poem a Day for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. With Malcolm, we'll...