The Internet and Righteous Anger

The Internet and Righteous Anger

Jacobs, Alan "The Online State of Nature: Why has Internet discourse devolved into a 'war of every man against every man'" The Online State of Nature (August 30, 2010) Alan Jacobs, Wheaton College professor of English and prolific author, has given us a short, stellar...

The Internet and Righteous Anger

Cashing In On Big Ideas

Poe, Marshall "Meme Weaver: The Author Tries—and Fails—to Cash in on a Big Idea" The Atlantic Monthly (October 2011) Big ideas, big dreams and big actions—those ideas, dreams, and actions that actually change the world—are not wrong in and of themselves, but they too...

The Internet and Righteous Anger

Why Our Vocations Matter

Wright, N.T. "God in the Dock: What Place Now for Christian Faith in Public Life?" (C.S. Lewis Lecture, Dublin, Ireland, October 21, 2011) This speech, given last fall at the invitation of The Evangelical Alliance Ireland, presents the reader with Tom Wright at his...

The Internet and Righteous Anger

Watch Your Language

Lash, Nicholas "I watch my language in the presence of God – Theology in the modern university" (Brief “Thank You” remarks upon reception of an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Durham University, June 30, 2011) Nicholas Lash, appointed to the Norris-Hulse Chair...

The Internet and Righteous Anger

Prayer, Healing and Scientific Research

Brown, Candy Gunther "Testing Prayer: Can Science Prove the Healing Power of Prayer?" Huff Post March 2, 2012 Doing research for eight years on a topic can be an exhausting experience, but certainly qualifies one to be heard, as long as the research follows the...

The Internet and Righteous Anger

Do We Really Care About Our Future?

Appiah, Kwame Anthony "What will future generations condemn us for?" The Washington Post (September 26, 2010) Appiah, a professor of philosophy at Princeton University, has written an op/ed piece that every Christian should take to heart. He is a native Ghanian and...

The Internet and Righteous Anger

What College Presidents Thing

Fischer, Karin "Crisis of Confidence Threatens Colleges" The Chronicle of Higher Education (May 15, 2011) Through an analysis of polls of both College Presidents and the general public this article demonstrates the great transition university and college education in...

The Internet and Righteous Anger

Vain Repetition?

Watson, Micah "Neo Vs. The Karate Kid, 'Public Discourse: Ethics, Law and the Public Good'" Public Discourse (May 24, 2012) The relationship between knowledge and the human dominates much of the discussion of education today. Living in times of great and rapid...

The Internet and Righteous Anger

Rose-Colored Glasses

Clinton, Bill "The Case for Optimism: From Technology to Equality, Five Ways the World is Getting Better All the Time" TIME Magazine, pg. 38-44 (Oct 1, 2012) In the print version on the last page of Bill Clinton’s recent TIME Magazine cover story, Oliver Munday, who...

The Internet and Righteous Anger

Limited Access

Fish, Stanley "Being Neutral Is Oh So Hard to Do" The New York Times (July 19, 2010) Recently, the Tufts Christian Fellowship, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s chapter at the Boston area university, was “de-recognized” by the student judiciary committee of the...