Extending Boredom

Extending Boredom

Cox, Adam J. "The Case for Boredom" The New Atlantis (Spring 2010) Three cheers for having nothing to do and doing nothing. That is the essence of Adam Cox’s argument in this interesting and provocative analysis of why children seem to tend so naturally to incivility...

Extending Boredom

Steeped in Legalism

Bradley, Anthony "The New Legalism" World News Group All of us are recovering legalists. Well, unfortunately, most of us are still legalists in countless and often unrecognizable ways. We love rules. Even more, we love rules that make us feel awesome. Quiet time in...

Extending Boredom

Be Happy in Your Work

Brooks, Arthus "A Formula for Happiness" The New York Times (December 14, 2013) Happiness has suffered a bad press among Christians in recent times. The idea is not unknown in Scripture; in fact both the Greek and Hebrew terms traditionally translated “Blessed” are...

Extending Boredom

I Won’t Grow Up

Scott, A.O. "The Death of Adulthood in American Culture" New York Times Magazine (September 11, 2014) WENDY: But [Father] said I have to grow up and I don’t want to grow up, Mother. MOTHER: Nobody wants to grow up, Wendy. But we all have to someday. In the many and...

Extending Boredom

Atheism Down?

Appleyard, Bryan "Religion Rising, Atheism Sinking" Bryan Appleyard begins this essay on the place of religion in art by referring to the recent publication by Marilynne Robinson of the third in her Gilead trilogy, Lila. He hypothesizes that this deep exploration of...

Extending Boredom

Back to Basics

Sayers, Dorothy "The Lost Tools of Learning" The Trinity Forum has for many years published four booklets a year, which include collections of poems, classic short stories or essays that have stood the test of time. These serve as an excellent foundation for just the...

Extending Boredom

All Over the Map

Massey, Alana "How to Take Christ Out of Christianity" The Washington Post (May 1, 2015) People have believed that becoming a member of a religious group costs an extraordinary amount since even before King Agrippa wondered if Paul wanted him to become a Christian so...

Extending Boredom

Welcome to the University

Trube, Bob "The University Today: Challenges and Opportunities" Emerging Scholars Blog (July 30, 2015) This brief essay provides an excellent summary for discussion of what the challenges facing higher education in America are at the present time, and not just for...

Extending Boredom

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?

McClay, Wilfrid M. “On the Need for Erasure”, The Hedgehog Review, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Spring, 2015) In this brief essay, Bill McClay, current occupant of the G.T. and Libby Blankenship Chair in the History of Liberty at the University of Oklahoma, takes on just one of...